A Day at the Xcaret Park

One of the Best in Mexico

Diversión en el Parque de Xcaret en Cancún

One of the most popular recreational parks in Cancun, is Xcaret, which is known for its countless attractions and things to do and you can discover inside the park, as well as know how to have a perfect day in this beautiful place, so that you can also visit and enjoy it during your next vacation.

To be able to arrive at Xcaret is easy, a long trip is not required, since it is only 1 hour from the hotel zone of Cancun, so you could take a full day to leave the hotel and come to visit this park, That way you would have another thing to do while on vacations.

An effortless way to have a day here is making a reservation in advance, before we get to the hotel, this way we can decide what kind of package we want to have for our day in Xcaret.

Some packages include activities, others include meals and other extra services, and others with a bit of both, without a doubt, we must make sure to take the one that best suits what we are looking for.

Since we have our tour and transportation ready, we can get to Xcaret prepared for a day full of excitement, fun, and relaxation if we want.

Mapa del Parque de Xcaret en Cancún

From the moment I arrived, I realized the wonders of this park, with a thematic booth to buy the tickets, just pick up mine, which I had a reservation already made, and also could see a place where they informed me what they allowed Sunblocks to use in the park.

In Xcaret, it is allowed to use sunscreens, but these must be biodegradable and 100% organic, this is because the park manages, cares and helps take care of the local species of cancún, just as the park is covered with plants and animals which can be damaged by the chemicals they have.

Since I went through the entrance, I was able to get a map of the park easily at a customer service center or kiosk that are nearby, and there I realized how big Xcaret is. I could also see the vast amount of things I was able to visit, and of course to find out more, a simple way I did was to ask the same staff of the park, since there are various activities and shows that are carried out only once a day, so it was best to know in advance.

Something that takes into account is the kind of activities I wanted to do, and according to that, I would plan my day. Since there are many activities, one of my recommendations for you would be to start with the historical and cultural sites that you can visit after that you go through the water activities and to close with an evening of relaxation after that you can finish with the night shows. Saying this I'd like to share with you what I think would be the activities for a perfect day.

La Capilla de Guadalupe en Xcaret

The Guadalupe Chapel

Arriving at my first destination, I came across a church that looked like the ones the Spaniards built, with a mixture of classical architecture and a touch of modern colors, with something surprising inside.

This Chapel is one of the most beautiful buildings you can find in Xcaret, from the moment I entered, I could see hand-carved sculptures decorating the walls, stone stairs, and wooden seats.

There was a small lake of jade water, simulating a natural cave where the father performed the mass, and above it was a representation of the Virgin of Guadalupe, a sculpture carved in a tree, which still showed its roots.

Mayan people

Show maya en el Parque de Xcaret

If you ever wondered what pre-Hispanic Mexico was like, this is the perfect place, the environment changed from the moment I arrived, it turned a theme park into a place lost in time.

Since I got close to the place, I could see the buildings that were made of wood, and there were also people in traditional Mayan clothes.

In the center of this place, you reach a square where there was a podium made of stone with burning torches, and at the center of this same place, there were Mayan symbols. This place is the representation of one of the places where the Mayans performed traditional rituals and dances, and the fire indicated that the show was about to begin.

A group of men began to play drums, with that they were calling the others and began their dance, where people could be seen dressed in ancient clothing, just as they were painted to what one could imagine were the representations that the Mayans made. According to their religion and culture.

No doubt this show took us all present to an old Mexico, something that no one should miss if they come to Xcaret.

The Butterfly recint

El Mariposario en el Parque de Xcaret en Cancún

One of the favorite places of adults and children is the butterfly garden of Xcaret, here I had the opportunity to see an endless number of colorful butterflies of different species in their natural habitat.

Deep in the park, I was able to get to the butterfly house, where many families and even couples come to spend quiet time, this being the perfect place to relax

In the center of the butterfly garden, there is a podium with the different species of butterflies that are found in the park, something that helped me to learn more about these little creatures.

To be able to remember these moments when seeing the butterflies flying from one side to the other I recommend you bring a 360 camera with you, because before you think about it, you will be surrounded by them, just as I was.

El Acuario de Arrecife de Coral en el Parque de Xcaret

Coral reef aquarium

Before going for a dip visit one of the most covered places by children and seniors, the Coral Reef Aquarium, since you arrive it is prevalent to see people with cameras, so bringing yours is ideal, but please do not use your flash.

Upon entering this aquarium, I saw many walls that have reefs with very peculiar species of fish, a perfect place to cool off for a while, since they have air conditioning to keep the site cool, just like it is the ideal place for children who want see fish without having to dive with them.

They even have small ponds in the center of each room so you can see these friendly fish from a different perspective.

Without a doubt, it is a suitable place to hang out and enjoy after many outdoor activities.

Swim in the Underground Rivers

Nadando en los Ríos Subterráneos del Parque Xcaret en Cancún

Something that can not be missed in a destination like Xcaret is freshwaters in which you can submerge and enjoy the day, that's why after the aquarium I went to the underground rivers of Xcaret

At the time we arrived, park staff gave us the group of people we wanted to enter an explanation of how the tour worked, as well as giving us life jackets for greater security.

And now it was time to dive into the water, from the moment you enter the water it was fresh, enough to enjoy it.

The tour went through several natural caves and then went to a chain of caves that connected them, the water is not deep, but if you bring small children it is convenient to have them close to keep them quiet and enjoy the ride more.

On this walk, you can decide if you want to go fast along the way or take your time to enjoy the fresh water and see nature, which is both stunning and beautiful,

The average time of the tour is 35 min, it may be more or less, you decide at the end, I took more time, to stay fresh.

Revolving Scenic Tower

Torre escénica giratoria en el Parque de Xcaret

At the end of the tour of the underground rivers, the afternoon arrived, and one of the recommendations made by the staff of the park was that they will visit the Scenic Tower of Xcaret.

At the time of entering I realized that the viewpoint was quiet while people climbed, but not all were encouraged to do so, this because the park staff told us that people suffering from vertigo or dizziness should not go up since It can cause them problems.

When getting into the tower I began to ascend until I reached the top, from where you can see the park, and at the same time, it started to turn in a moderate way. Children and adults of all ages peeked out the windows while we watched the park.

Without a doubt, the view was magnificent, you could see the park with its green colors and life in all its splendor.

Evento Nocturno el Show México Espectacular en Xcaret

Spectacular Mexico Show

When the night came, the park staff told me that they would have their nighttime show in the main square, and from the moment I arrived, I sat in, this same space could easily be able to hold more than 1000 people in the audience and it had a large center which everyone could see without a problem.

The music began just like the show, the show told the history of pre-Hispanic Mexico, showed different arts that were used in the past, as well as how the Spanish conquest was, until reaching the colonial times and the independence of Mexico.

A show with more than 100 actors on stage, with costumes typical of each theme, without a doubt this show is something incredible and that I recommend you should not miss if you have the opportunity to see it.

I will have to return again in November since they tell me that the Xcaret Park itself is the venue for The Festival of Life and Deatch , which year after year shows us the cuisine of a state in Mexico, and has international artists as guests.

And that's how my day ended in the beautiful park of Xcaret, an extraordinary destination in Cancun, a place that has it all for all the people who come to visit and who want to know more about the Mexican culture while having fun

A Perfect Destination for Perfect Holidays.

